Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thought(s) for the day

  • Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.
  • Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't.
  • Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. (Exactly my point :D)

My thoughts on the 'Thoughts for the day'

I have decided to force myself into blogging, since I have clearly shown no signs of signing on otherwise. Therefore, I would, from now on, put in at least something down before I go to bed. So, here are some quotes, not mine, yet, at any rate ;) But rest assured, I wouldn't put down any sloppy stuff here, everything that comes into the blog undergoes stringent QC. That would be my expert/amateur/naive (your pick) opinions about verse that is stimulating, clever and witty. So, here goes.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to blogging...

Back to blogging? Or should I say starting afresh with blogging? I'd leave that for you to decide. Anyways, it's been a while since I got down and wrote something here. I always used to find sorry ass excuses for not writing, being busy et al. 
Times have changed, and I find myself facing a draught of things to do. Currently I am sitting on my console at home besides a window looking out to the labyrinth of flats of the 'township' that I am presently living in. The weather couldn't be better. Cool breeze blowing, black clouds just itching to rain down upon the city of Hyderabad. ***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: It just started drizzling***I'd say that the sweet weather  is begging me to be somewhere else, perhaps walking hand in hand down a beautiful park with the girl of my dreams having a lively conversation about 'us'.***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The drizzling stopped*** But as fate would have it, I am stuck at home tending to my writing skills.***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The sun has shown up now! What the hell is wrong with this weather?!!!***
I fathom that you've had enough of those important announcements now! But you know what, I'll bombard you with them just to bug you if I have to, or it could also end up making your reading of this blog a little better considering that you know what kind of breeze was blowing when I was typing away here sitting next to the window.
As you might have guessed, this blog doesn't really have an agenda, or a common thread binding my distracted musings. Welcome to my world, dear reader, where the attention span can be infinitesimally small as well as go on to become a ubiquitous phenomenon while I obsess about one thing or another. 
What I'll do now is that I'll let you know about what's going on in my mind right now. I am wondering whether I should watch a movie to while away my afternoon or get down to serious reading, ET editorials etc., or what? Got any suggestions?
The most pressing thing that I am having difficulty coping with right now is my mother, hollering me to go take a bath. And it is slowly dawning upon me that there really is no way around this problem. I am sure there are infinite beleaguered souls out there who couldn't agree more with me. So, I am gonna take your leave for now and sort out this getting-clean-once again-mess and be back with something more definite and focussed next time, if there is a next time, that is.